Are you marketing to the deaf and blind,
or are your videos simply invisible?
Uploading the video is not enough—but, you’re almost there.
Online video player channels that are posted using a permanent address get huge viewership.
It is true that producing the video takes a lot of effort, especially if you are not a video producer but your business needs good video placed in front of your market to draw them in. But, once the video is finished and uploaded, what is the absolute most important task that gets people to watch the video?
You’re going to want to slap someone when you read the next sentence.
You must promote the video and/or its web address, not simply upload it—a step that many fledgling marketers skip. Yes, a simple concept, but one that describes an important and possibly complex task. But, it doesn’t have to be complex.
Uploading an expensive and relevant video is not enough. The video must be placed in front of your potential customers.
Analogy: contrasting Imprint investment to Custom Video investment.

This image depicts useful trinkets from the imprinting industry that are employed to garner your market’s attention and remind it that you exist. Compared to your custom video describing your product’s uniqueness, these trinkets are almost a complete waste of resources. Instead of spending $500-$1,500 on pens and coffee cups for the year, produce a 30 second video.
Larger companies spend thousands of dollars on these trinkets, and most end up in yard sales. How does that speak to your company’s image?
Ever been to an estate sale and see the glasses with the local country club’s emblem on it? 25¢.
How do people know the name of your business?
Because, your business name or logo is advertised and promoted all over the place. It’s on your business card, stationary, invoice forms, cash register receipts, and your restaurant menu. It’s printed on your coffee cups, t-shirts, tote bags, retractable ink pens, baseball caps and on all of those custom golf balls that you had imprinted five years ago that nobody asks for but you still try to get rid of in every gift bag that you hand out. (What golfer seriously notices marketing info on golf balls? Where does that golf ball message spend most of its sad existence? In a dark poly-nylon pocket safely zipped up so that the ball won’t accidentally get out its message).
DISCLAIMER; (There are certainly appropriate opportunities for "trinket marketing." We have used them ourselves. But, we demand actual trackable results and make sure that there is a call to action as the main theme).
Just think of all of the exposure effort that is invested in getting your name and logo “out there”. But, the sad truth is that as important as your name is, simply sharing your name is actually less important than the web video link. Unless you already have brand recognition and saturation like Coke-a-Cola or Nike, you always need to push that brand and call to action.
What does a video do when it has a permanent URL?
The video
- is often the first bread crumb on the path to The Sale
- informs about your product
- creates interest
- answers important questions
- creates other questions for which they must contact you to get answers
- turns a disinterested web skimmer into your next customer
- provides the all important CtA Call to Action! The subscription, the appointment, THE SALE!
- sets the tone for how the market thinks about your company and product
- and, it should also SHARE YOUR NAME if done properly. Branding!
- fits into the expectation of the viewer that “successful and reliable companies” have good videos posted for them to watch. Its true. Virtually every site visitor expects a video to watch. And, if there isn’t one, many potential buyers just scroll on by, looking for the easier way to learn about a product or service. The answer is always, “Video”.
Yet, how to see the video is often buried in small print, or sadly, no print at all.
The URL never changes, only the video file does.
The address stays the same and keeps garnering more and more relevance as the SEO value grows. You can change the video file but leave the address the same. This builds that address’s SEO over weeks, months or even years and becomes a Natural Hit Magnet. Natural hits are more powerful because all browsers, like Google, highly respect the naturally magnetic address over purchased or brand new addresses. As Google regularly changes its mathematical architecture throughout the year, they leaver alone your mature address with the high number of naturally harvested SEO views. Even a poorly crafted video with regularly building view numbers is an extremely valuable web site element.
So, instead of only uploading new videos, choose a few that are replacements, not new additions. Sure, you have to upload the new video. But you are uploading it to an old address. Try THAT with YouTube, where every upload gets a new web address. YouTube is not about building your business, they are about building their business. You can talk with our video marketing Ninja about how to cash in on this magic marketing trick. [email protected]. Ask about the Permanent Video Address.

The Permanent Video Address is probably the best kept secret in marketing/advertising.
One of the best tricks to making video work for you is to come up with a video address that never changes. The Permanent Video Address is probably the best kept secret in marketing/advertising. The only companies that seem to use it are larger enterprises. Why don’t all businesses use the permanent video address? My experience is that it’s under-used for the simplest reason; they just don’t know about it. Most small to medium businesses just keep uploading new videos to places like YouTube and then doing the best they can to market all of those new video links.
Stop the madness. Market smarter, not harder.
What is the Permanent Video Address?
I’ll use one of our video landing pages as the example. The image above is where you’ll land.
The URL never changes, only the video file does. That address is relatively old as web addresses go. We’ve had that link up for years. The address stays the same and keeps garnering more and more relevance as the SEO value grows. When we changed things about our imagery, we updated the video without changing it’s web link. Also notice that our branding is embedded in the video address, “EZWebPlayer”.

IMAGE: Channels based template with scrolling video thumbnail images of your other videos in that channel.
The above video page address never changes. When we want to get exposure to our newest video, we do two things;
- We place that video at the head of this channel playlist so that it is the first video that plays. Adding New Video to a Channel,
- We advertise the fire out of this web address. We include the address in email newsletter, we place it on more than one landing pages, like our blog and our WIKI if appropriate.
So, what happens when the message changes? Doesn’t this video address become irrelevant? No. As a matter of fact, it becomes even more relevant and powerful. We make sure that our basic messages never change. We only have a very short list of main messages. Each new video simply tells the same story from new angles. It really doesn’t make any difference which video they are watching. The results are the same. They are watching one of our videos on our web site that always leads them to our CtA (Calls-to-Action) on the page. Try doing that with YouTube or Vimeo.
Even more elegant is that after the first video plays, the player automatically plays the next video, and the next, and the next. Staying on our site watching videos is actually the easier default action than clicking away. Staying is the default action—nothing further is needed. The person watching the video must choose to click away. The two main choices can be 1) watch the next video or 2) go to the CtA.
And, much of the magic of this Permanent Video Address is in what is NOT happening.
- The video is NOT being watched on You Tube, which is not our web site. You Tube is an entire step away from our web site
- The video is NOT branded with someone else’s branding, like You Tube or Vimeo because it is our Permanent Video Address, it has our branding everywhere—even the URL is branded.
- The video is not having to compete with all of the other video choices that can pop up at any moment from our competitors. The only videos watchable on this page are our videos.
You see, when you upload a new video to You Tube, the link to that new video that you must share is a brand new link with absolutely zero SEO weight attached to it. Why? Because its a brand new URL on the World Wide Web. Where as, our video landing page has been live on the WWW since 2009! Imagine the many years of SEO weight behind that!
Create your own video landing page with an unchanging URL.
So, now imagine the results when you are promoting your video page at all of the locations where your logo and business name appear.
What Kind of Businesses Need a Permanent Video Address?
- Brick and mortar; restaurants, hair stylists, retail clothing boutiques, etc. Businesses that have parking lots or curbside parking.
- Service industries; realtors, consultants, fitness experts, motivational speakers.
- Virtual web-based businesses and not-for-profits
- Anyone promoting an event. Promoting a live stream or an in-person event is a must if you want folks to show up.
Get your Permanent Video Address at and you can start publishing that all important video address to your market within hours. You can probably even use an existing URL that you already own as your permanent video address, it it’s under your domain. Print the fire out of it. Then you can release new videos, yearly, monthly, weekly or daily– or even hourly. And everywhere that your Permanent Video Address is published will be constantly reminding the world where to see your important video assets. You can even release live streams from the same address.