Using Custom Domains
With our White Label package, you can create your own proprietary video landing pages branded at the domain level. For example, your video url can be “” or “” Though you’re using EZWebPlayer’s technology, it appears to the world that you own your own proprietary video player.
Free with White Label packages, we create a video sitemap for you, automatically. Just like an ordinary sitemap, your video sitemap brings your VIDEOS to the attention of the search engines so you enjoy a larger share of search engine results and increased traffic.
White Label’s branding ability lets you use SHORT urls for easy sharing while still getting branding at the domain level. Typical video urls can contain 15 or 20 characters, or even more. They’re unwieldy and easily mis-entered. With EZWebPlayer’s White Label package, you can slash URLs to just a few characters, creating SHORT, easy-to-communicate urls. As well as the obvious benefits that a really short character set can afford like saved time and increased accuracy, this also brings back the ability to include important video links into highly effective old school marketing vehicles like direct mail and newsletters.
URL Before Branding

URL After Branding