Uploading Your First Video
There are a couple of other ways to add new videos but this is the most straight forward workflow. Our cloud based system allows you to navigate directly to the hard drives on your computer, or to anywhere else your computer allows you to navigate, in order to choose the video files you wish to upload. So, most of this should be very straight forward for even the most novice computer user. Delegating video uploading can be either a media professional or a key office staff; either way, your videos gets uploaded safely and securely.
Using Off Site Hosting
Play videos hosted elsewhere (not uploaded to EZWebPlayer). Using the video’s web address provided by the web video host, the video URL must end in either .mp4 or .flv.

Creating a Live Stream
Becoming informed about every technical aspect of live streaming is not necessary. But, knowing a few basics is. As you deal with live streaming more, you will pick up what you need in all areas, for now, know that:
The size and shape of the player directly affects whether or not your video window will fit into the space you intend.
The video settings such as Frame Rate, Format and Bit Rate will affect the quality and *viability of the stream (*whether it will operate correctly or not).
The audio settings can affect both the *viability of the stream and the quality of the sound.